Japan News Bulletin:
VIRAL: 'Tanim Bala' Scam Featured in Japanese TV Show.
Tanim Bala has been victimizing Japanese Tourist for many years...

The Popular Japanese TV show explains and demonstrate
how Filipinos involved in Tanim Bala
plant bullets into the luggage of unsuspecting passengers
who are then extorted for a huge amount of money
because they are perceived to be more willing to pay silently
than Americans who tend to fight back and call attention.
The show also featured the photo of 2 backpackers at NAIA with their bags completely wrapped in plastic.

Ordinary Filipino People Do Not Trust Their Own Government.

The Alleged Corrupt People in the Government of the Philippines keep on denying that there is a Tanim Bala
and keep on insisting that all victims are guilty.
The Police even said that it could be the Relatives of the Victim who could planted the bullet...
but repeatedly said that the Police is 100% innocent.
All Good Filipino People believes that the statement of the Police is absolutely nonsense.

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